Moisture Analyzer - MCT 460
/Advanced Near Infrared (NIR) In-Process Measurement of Moisture, Oil, Coatings and Thickness
A Reliable, Rugged and Accurate Transmitter
The MCT460 Transmitter is available in Stand Alone Configuration or System Configuration.
The MCT460 Transmitter Stand-Alone design makes multiple measurements and creates analog, digital and bus outputs directly from the Transmitter as it operates on the processing line.
The MCT460 System design uses a proprietary cable to communicate to an Operator Interface, located away from the processing line. All analog, digital and bus outputs are available at the Operator Interface.
Moisture Analyzer - MCT 460 Near Infrared (NIR) Transmitter
Technical Details
- New micro controller, high performance, dual core architecture. One core dedicated to NIR signal acquisition, the other programmed to manage computations and communications options
- Samples entire NIR signal train for increased measurement accuracy
- Embedded bootloader allows sensor firmware to be upgraded through USB or serial interface
- Filter wheel speed adjustment through software
- Temperature controlled PbS detector for enhanced stability
- Built in cooling panel and Air Purge Assembly
- Ergonomically sound IP67 cast aluminum enclosure
Operating Principle
Near Infrared (NIR) Operating Principle
Several molecular bonds absorb near infrared light at well defined wavelengths. The common bonds are O-H in water, C-H in organics & oils and N-H in proteins. The absorbance level at these specific wavelengths is proportional to the quantity of that constituent in the material.
Narrow band pass filters within the Transmitter create a sequence of light pulses. At least one of these pulses is at the absorbance wavelength specific to the constituent to be measured. The other pulses are created at wavelengths not absorbed by the measured constituent. The pulses illuminate the product and the diffuse reflected light is collected and focused onto a single, temperature controlled detector.
The electrical signals generated by the detector are then processed to provide a value that is proportional to the concentration of the measured constituent. The value is then displayed in % or other engineering units.
NIR Operating Principle